
Manna’s Emergency Financial Aid Program

Our UME mascot, Matthew Chapman Jr., visited the Manna on Main Street Headquarters In Lansdale, PA this past weekend to donate cases of children’s diapers to Manna’s Emergency Financial Aid Program.

The emergency aid program helps people get through tough times, and financial hardships.

Manna on Main Street helps people in need through four core programs:

Manna Kitchen
Manna’s Market
Emergency Financial Aid Program
Education Program

UME strongly supports Manna on Main Street’s mission and commitment to ending hunger in the North Penn region by providing food, fulfilling social service and education needs, and conducting community outreach.

Through a food pantry and soup kitchen, emergency financial aid, counseling and referrals, and education opportunities they serve those in need with the hope “that everyone might be fed.”

For more information or to donate to Manna on Main Street go to: