Expect Solutions Designed For You


Our product offerings include traditional employer stop-loss, maximum advantage, student medical, MEC offerings, RBP options, and life products, as well as captive ownership, cell rental, reinsurance, underwriting, and backroom support services for carriers and partners.

Minimum Essential Coverage

Minimum Essential Coverage

The Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) product is available to help employers provide basic coverage while meeting compliance requirements. It is designed to offer a limited medical plan in lieu of major medical coverage and can include services like preventive care, immunizations, routine imaging and laboratory services. 

Maximum Advantage

Maximum Advantage

UME’s Maximum Advantage program is a unique solution to help small employers become self-funded. It allows small group health plans the comfort of fixed monthly payments, while also reaping the benefits of self-funding.

Benefits Include:

  • Competitive Rates
  • Flexible Contract Basis
  • Most Industries Are Eligible
  • Group Sizes of 10-150 Lives
  • Cost Savings Potential: Unused Claim Fund Dollars Returned to Employer at End of Year
  • Stop-Loss Protection for Eligible Claims
  • Fixed Monthly Contributions

Traditional Stop-Loss

Traditional Stop-Loss

UME’s traditional stop-loss product is designed for employers who want to take control of their healthcare expenses. We underwrite our policies with the flexibility to design creative solutions and the expertise needed to implement them successfully.

Product Highlights:

  • Specific Advance (At No Additional Charge)
  • Aggregate Monthly Accommodation
  • Aggregating Specific Deductibles
  • Specific and Aggregate Terminal Liability Options
  • Multiple Contract Terms (Ranging From Paid Contracts to Short-Term Incurred)
  • Minimum Case Size of 25 Lives
  • Minimum Specific Deductible of $15,000
  • No Laser Options